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History: Tiki Theme Generator

Preview of version: 35

Work has started for Tiki7 at Theme Generator.

Proposed steps to building a Tiki theme generator (with focus on colors):

Please first read an idea for generating a custom css style from a photo / logo. Is this URL still correct?

Step #1
Modify one of the current CSS (style) to have a small number (3-6) of basic colors. Maybe jqui as the first one.

Copy to clipboard
changing colors: you can list them with: grep -i " #[0-9a-f]\{3,6\};" styles/jqui.css | cut -d\# -f2 | sort | uniq -c and change them with: perl -pi -e 's/AAAAAA/bbbbbb/g' styles/jqui.css */

Step #2
Turn these colors into variables, for example $background, $basecolor, $highlight, etc

Step #3
Use a Color Scheme Generator (like Step 3 of WordPress Index Builder)

Step #4
See the theme in action, and

Step #5
Save CSS

Alternate step #3 (nice to have)
Generate colors from a photo / logo. There is a "Random From Image" button. So the user could try several times until he finds something pleasing. (like StrangeBanana) http://www.colr.org/ or http://mwcz.org/projects/colorpal/

Alternate step #3 (nice to have)
Generate colors which contrast well (for text over backgound) http://www.barelyfitz.com/projects/csscolor/

Step #6 (nice to have)
For cases where we need a gradient (example, calendar event importance), we could have a formula which generates them. Please see "Generating Palettes With PHP" from site above for an example. #Another possible tool: http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/tools/color-blend/

Step #7 (nice to have)
For all the images, logos, etc in Tiki, we should try to make sure they are all transparent so they look good with different backgrounds.

Step #8 (nice to have)
Use ImageMagick or GD to manipulate graphics HSV values so that multiple graphics themes such as *metal can be combined into a single metal theme that can be colourised to any hue and saturation the administrator desires. Step 8 would allow the colours of any graphical theme (eg new tiki themes such as the default tikithemes theme and kubrick) to be modified.

Step #9 (nice to have)
Create some nice on the fly logo like: http://cooltext.com/

Previous forum post about Tiki theme generator idea:
tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=2 Is this correct? Talks about Tiki's calendar.

Related links:
Kuler A web-hosted application for generating color themes.

I Like Your Colors!

WordPress Index Builder
Step 3 offers a color picker and Generated Color Scheme.

Drupal CMS Theme Generator
In Excel

Theme developer module for Drupal 6 - Screencast "We have built Firebug for Drupal Theming. You may now click on any part of the page and a sexy popup display shows which theme function/template outputted the HTML, and what other files could have done so. Armed with this info, a themer may quickly and accurately override the presentation. Further, all the variables passed into the template/function are presented for review."

WordPress, MT and Drupal: Template Generators

CSS Constants
Dynamic CSS

CSS Tools:

Wordpress theme browser




Information Version
06:17 GMT-0000 System Administrator automatic conversion 46
Mon 19 of Feb, 2018 10:04 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Info about new Style Guide tool added. 45
Sat 02 of Dec, 2017 07:59 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Link: Bootstrap Magic updated to Bootstrap 4. 44
Mon 13 of Jun, 2016 05:36 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee URLs removed, corrected or commented out to fix 404 errors. 43
Mon 13 of Jun, 2016 05:28 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee URL commented out to fix 404 error. 42
Wed 02 of Sep, 2015 05:08 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 41
Mon 24 of Aug, 2015 02:13 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 40
Sun 10 of May, 2015 23:11 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Some tools to pick colors from an image 39
Sun 10 of May, 2015 22:02 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 38
Sat 30 of Aug, 2014 18:38 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 37
Fri 04 of Apr, 2014 17:13 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 36
Fri 04 of Apr, 2014 02:37 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 35
Sat 23 of Mar, 2013 14:25 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 34
Wed 20 of Mar, 2013 19:32 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 33
Fri 01 of Mar, 2013 15:35 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 32
Mon 24 of Jan, 2011 00:20 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 31
Thu 25 of Nov, 2010 04:24 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee 30
Wed 24 of Nov, 2010 11:15 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 29
Sat 24 of Jul, 2010 08:18 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 28
Sat 19 of Sep, 2009 02:17 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 27
Thu 16 of Apr, 2009 20:41 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 26
Wed 01 of Apr, 2009 01:06 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 25
Sun 07 of Sep, 2008 12:23 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Matthew Bickerton 24
Thu 12 of Jun, 2008 07:22 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 23
Thu 12 of Jun, 2008 07:14 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 22
Tue 26 of Feb, 2008 14:44 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte cooltext.com 21
Wed 13 of Feb, 2008 13:14 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Drupal theme developer module link added. 20
Sat 09 of Feb, 2008 06:45 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte typo 19
Fri 03 of Aug, 2007 22:12 GMT-0000 Michael Davey 18
Sun 04 of Mar, 2007 16:13 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 17
Tue 01 of Aug, 2006 16:38 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte WordPress, MT and Drupal: Template Generators 16
Tue 01 of Aug, 2006 16:29 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Drupal CMS Theme Generator 15
Tue 01 of Aug, 2006 16:19 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 14
Tue 01 of Aug, 2006 15:20 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 13
Tue 01 of Aug, 2006 15:15 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 12
Tue 01 of Aug, 2006 15:12 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 11
Tue 01 of Aug, 2006 15:12 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte roadmap 10
Tue 01 of Aug, 2006 07:06 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 9
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