For any questions, support requests, or other discussion related to these themes, please use the Tiki Themes forum.
[![](display225) ### Pseudobrutal
Brutalist web design comes to Tiki](Pseudobrutal "more information")
[More information](Pseudobrutal)
[![](display223) ### Metro Vibes
Semi-opaque content areas on glowing background](Metro Vibes "more information")
[More information](Metro Vibes)
[![](display221) ### Shapely
WordPress port featuring parallax scrolling](Shapely "more information")
[More information](Shapely)
[![](display219) ### Sweet Candy
Tapered panels and bright sculpted highlights](Sweet Candy "more information")
[More information](Sweet Candy)
[![](display218) ### Tuften
Implementing the design principles of Edward Tufte](Tuften "more information")
[More information](Tuften)
[![](display214) ### Vanilla Cream
Creamy rich texture with toasty highlights](Vanilla Cream "more information")
[More information](Vanilla Cream)
[![](display198) ### Modern Touch
Rich pastels and clean typography](Modern Touch "more information")
[More information](Modern Touch)
[![](display190) ### Twenty Sixteen
Default WordPress theme for 2016](Twenty Sixteen "more information")
[More information](Twenty Sixteen)
[![](display188) ### Happy Scroll
Bold and bright with smooth scrolling](Happy Scroll "more information")
[More information](Happy Scroll)
[![](display185) ### Dark Velvet
Rich, dark-textured PixelKit theme](Dark Velvet "more information")
[More information](Dark Velvet)