History: Tiki Theme Generator
Source of version: 17
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Proposed steps to building a Tiki theme generator: Please firt read an [tiki-view_forum_thread.php?topics_offset=5&topics_sort_mode=commentDate_desc&forumId=3&comments_parentId=2|idea for generating a custom css style from a photo / logo]. Step #1 Modify one of the current CSS (style) to have a small number (3-6) of basic colors. Maybe [tiki-switch_theme.php?theme=simple.css|Simple] as the first one. {CODE()}changing colors: you can list them with: grep -i " #[0-9a-f]\{3,6\};" styles/simple.css | cut -d\# -f2 | sort | uniq -c and change them with: perl -pi -e 's/AAAAAA/bbbbbb/g' styles/simple.css */ {CODE} Step #2 Turn these colors into variables, for example $background, $basecolor, $highlight, etc Step #3 Use a Generated Color Scheme (like Step 3 of [http://www.redalt.com/Tools/builder.php|WordPress Index Builder]) Step #4 See the theme in action, and Step #5 Save CSS --- Alternate step #3 (nice to have) Generate colors from a photo / logo. There is a "Random From Image" button. So the user could try several times until he finds something pleasing. (like StrangeBanana) http://www.colr.org/ Alternate step #3 (nice to have) Generate colors which contrast well (for text over backgound) http://www.barelyfitz.com/projects/csscolor/ Step #6 (nice to have) For cases where we need a gradient (example, calendar event importance), we could have a formula which generates them. Please see "Generating Palettes With PHP" from site above for an example. #Another possible tool: http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/tools/color-blend/ Step #7 (nice to have) For all the images, logos, etc in Tiki, we should try to make sure they are all transparent so they look good with different backgrounds. --- Previous forum post about Tiki theme generator idea: [tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=2] Related links: [http://www.redalt.com/Tools/ilyc.php|I Like Your Colors!] [http://www.redalt.com/Tools/builder.php|WordPress Index Builder] Step 3 offers a color picker and Generated Color Scheme. [http://xlecom.com/?q=node/152|Drupal CMS Theme Generator] In Excel http://www.positioniseverything.net/articles/pie-maker/pagemaker_form.php http://www.maketemplate.com/form/ [http://bloghelper.is-there.net/wordpress-mt-and-drupal-template-generators/|WordPress, MT and Drupal: Template Generators] CSS Constants http://www.icant.co.uk/articles/cssconstants/ Dynamic CSS http://www.stylehack.com/wordpress/index.php?p=71&page=3 CSS Tools: http://www.soxiam.com/Notes/CSSTools http://www.alvit.de/handbook/ [http://www.alexking.org/software/wordpress/theme_browser.php|Wordpress theme browser]