History: Bootstrap Transition Preps
Preview of version: 48
An experimental branch is here: http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree//branches/experimental/redesign-proof-of-concept/
- Where will we coordinate work?
- I think on themes.tiki.org
- I think dev.tiki.org would be more appropriate as it is about development (not a themes how to and tips and tricks stuff)
#But then we wouldn't be able to enjoy the retro environment of Planetfall or Faulkner, etc. 😉
as far as I see it, coordination already started on themes.t.o and we should stay here as facts have been made - earlier on I would have opted for dev.t.o aswell
- I think dev.tiki.org would be more appropriate as it is about development (not a themes how to and tips and tricks stuff)
- I think on themes.tiki.org
Bootstrap 2 and later 3, or directly to Bootstrap 3?
Bootstrap 3.1 is decided in the meantime and will apply licence whise as it will be duallicenced to MIT- Licensing issue prevents us use Bootstrap 2
- There are several non backward-compatible changes
- I suggest we shoot for compatibility with Bootstrap 3 to avoid doing a lot of work twice.
- I agree
- What about LTS handling?
- Option 1: start revamp after Tiki12 LTS
- Benefit: We can do pre-requisites such as Menu Revamp
- Benefit: So we have less work later, we can start with migration of some aspects like
- http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/customize.html#plugins
- Some of the themes (ex.: we should have a FiveAlive for Bootstrap)
- Benefit: We can start directly with v3
- Benefit: Community has several months to get accustomed to Bootstrap
- Benefit: No change on the schedule
- Drawback: First LTS with Bootstrap will be Tiki15
- Drawback: We could have started earlier
- Option 2: start after 11.0 and try to finish for Tiki12
- If Tiki12 isn't stable enough for a release on schedule, either
- Option 2a) Retroactively identify Tiki11 as LTS
- Option 2b) Identify Tiki13 as LTS
- If Tiki12 isn't stable enough for a release on schedule, either
- Option 3: Experimental option in 12 and rocksolid default in 13?
- Option 1: start revamp after Tiki12 LTS
- Do we try to support Bootstrap and https://www.openhub.net/p/zurb|Foundation] as well?
- => in my mind that depends on how we structure the /templates directory
- Will we still support the core/existing customisation approach that Tiki has - even with a Bootstrap theme (I'm probably showing my ignorance here! - Geoff)
I see no reason for not keeping the core/existing customisation approach and my first tests with bootstrap show me, that there is no technical problem with it
... - Geoff) e.g- being able to take a standard theme but apply an 'option' (/styles/theme_name/options)that tweaks/adds different css etc., which includes:
- option specific images
- the Newsletter specific css
- etc.
- how will quirky browser tweaks be handled eg ie7, ie8 files etc
- having a set of .tpl's that are theme specific (/templates) - with customised mail templates folder
- be able to apply theme specific modules
[My view is that we should use Bootstrap to provide:
- Uniform styling (classes) for page components such as gadgets, buttons, tabs, and tables, etc. ("content"), and
— (First we'll need to clean up Tiki's tpl files to uniformize the construction of these things.)
- Page layout classes for grids, responsive web design, etc. ("framework")
- Tiki's CSS classes should be a superset of the Bootstrap classes IMO.
— A quick check of more-interesting "made with Bootstrap" sites shows this is common practice.
— Sites using only default Bootstrap classes seem to be pretty limited style-wise.
— We can offer more flexibility to designers and reduce their work by adding classes for styling.
— We can offer more page layout options by having a few more divs available (to support FiveAlive-style header and footer graphic treatment, etc.). ] - being able to take a standard theme but apply an 'option' (/styles/theme_name/options)that tweaks/adds different css etc., which includes:
Evolution or revolution?
Do we go for a clean break / "burn all bridges" approach and force major changes on all legacy themes? or do we make an effort to try to make old themes still work?
Arguments for clean break
- End result will be simpler code
- End result will be closer to what people already know (people that use Bootstrap that is)
- Most theme intense sites have more than enough features in the LTS versions and can use that until they decide to refresh their site design.
Arguments for legacy support
- Makes it easier for heavily customized themes to upgrade
[I'm not sure how important legacy support per se is, but I think it'll be good to have a framework available that enables people to replicate their old designs if they want to go to the trouble. ]
Things to watch out for
Things that Bootstrap doesn't cover
- Logo?
- Presumably, Tiki's HTML classes will be a superset of the Bootstrap classes, so our current method for specifying the logo can still be used, in combination with the benefit of Bootstrap's layout.
- RTL is not in v2
- Licensing issue prevents us use Bootstrap 2 anyway (see http://www.dwheeler.com/essays/floss-license-slide.html)
- Let's use http://schema.org/ when possible
- I do not understand how do Schema attributes validate in HTML - luci
- luci, I think the suggestion was to use them for element/class names, etc.
Things that Bootstrap overlaps with existing components
- http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/customize.html#plugins
- jQueryUI
- jQuery Mobile
This is a list of things that must or should be done before or as part of the Bootstrap integration.
- Menu revamp
- Migrate more things to Smarty plugins
- New space /themes/ directory (but old way still works)
- Move all temp content to one place
- Layout switcher (from experimental branch)
- Change to use Bootstrap font icons, which can be themed
In general
- This is a lot of work
- True, but Tiki's templates and CSS really need a major overhaul anyway. If that happens in a way that can take advantage of the Bootstrap bandwagon (as long as we still have design flexibility), so much the better.
CSS file reorganization
Coming in Bootstrap version 3.0
- No set release date, but probably sometime in 2013
- Many changes in class names
- Dropping submenu support
PHPStorm has a Less plugin (http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin?pr=&pluginId=7059), and apparently supports an "import" feature so there can be modular .less (pre-compilation) files like "typography.less" that can be imported into the main theme CSS file rather than being compiled separately (similar to how SASS supports "partials"). This should be confirmed.
- Some references:
Related links